Hello everyone,

This is officially my first post and i will like to officially welcome you'all to my blog. I am a lawyer by profession, a wife, a mother, a child of the Most High God. Well i'm still discovering who i am, but at my age, i still have plenty of time for discovery..*wink*. My goal is to add value to the world! I have a job as a Legal Practitioner but blogging has been a longtime dream since i knew what it was, and finally i have taken that bold step, and here we are!

 This blog is basically created to share my personal experience, my passion, professional advice, inspirational post, everyday lifestlye. Also am a foodie, so i will be sharing posts on various dishes copied and also prepared by me.I will be sharing important news as well as share my thoughts on relevant issues. I promise not to bore you. 

Thank you and God Bless!


Anonymous said…
Welcome back
Unknown said…
Yayy can't wait to learn new recipes 🥰
Moshe Strugano said…
Israeli Lawyer Moshe Strugano says, The complaint involves self-inflicted harm of the kind that is likely to convince most people that the complaint was legitimate.
It's interesting that Coel's persona is the one who disproves the lie.

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